Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Shopping: 1 Vision: 0

The inlaws finally cleared out yesterday, so we are one step closer to actually being able to move! We went and walked the place last night and....EW. I understand that it still has to be cleaned, but it showed me just how much work we have to do. But, refer above...I can do that...I think.

After I got off work, I was determined to get the craft room packed. This room is only a 10x10 and half of it is used for storage. And I got 9 boxes out of it! That's not including the things that will be moved in the drawers 'as is'. That would have easily added another 2 boxes. Um, whoops? Luckily, this is all going into an 11x11 room without any random storage pieces in there (like a spoiler for my husband's car?).

When Dave got home from work, we decided to go to Macy*s to look at some bedding and furniture. 2 reasons for choosing this. One of my best friends recently re-did her basement and got this AMAZING leather couch. I figured that if I liked that so much, they had to have something else I liked. Welp, I was right. And now my husband and I are divorcing and moving in with our respective favorite couches. We can't choose. Anyone know of a house that can fit one giant couch and a smaller modern one? For cheap? No? Ok, then you have to help us decide.

First of all...the room currently has horrid wall panneling. We're intending to remove that and paint. We had decided on Sage Green, but I don't know any more. There is an exposed brick fireplace and deep, dark wooden trim. I think I'm really goign to dig the dark trim (and heavy wooden beams) once we get all the other wood paneling out.

So, because clearly I'm going to win, I'm going to show you mine first...
(I'm horrified by these pictures-the new iPhone can't come soon enough).

ISN'T HE FANTASTIC? Dave DOES like it, but he thinks it's too big. And that it belongs in a sunken living room. But look at the tops? On the right side with the chaise, it shows them up. But they're down on the left side. It's whatever you want it to be! Come on, how much would our cat LOVE sitting up there and sunning next to the bay window? We would get it without one of those chairs between the corner and the chaise. And we wouldn't get that ottoman, as we love our coffee table. But, I just can't even move on from this. ::sigh::

And now Daves:

APPARENTLY, he thinks that he's Don Draper and I'm going to serve him scotch when he gets home. We would get a couch and  two love seats (love seat shown). I would probably also get an ottoman since there's no chaise. I mean, it's ALRIGHT. But white? It's cool and hip now, but is that going to hold out for the 5ish years we plan on having this? It's really high quality leather and there's a 7 year protection policy, so I'm not too worried about stains or tears.

Both are quite a bit over our budget, but there's plenty of wiggle room in there if we give up some other things with the house and do them over time.

So, friends, what do you think? The amazing tan one with a built in bed for our cat? The Man Men era couch? Or just stay in our budget and get a brown fabric couch?


  1. I have to admit that I love the second couch, but I'd never buy it because it's white. So in terms of which one I'd actually pay for, my vote goes to you.

  2. You really think white leather will be a problem? We don't have any experience with how leather wears.
