Tuesday, April 3, 2012

And We're In!

Saturday was the 'big day' and it went surprisingly well. The packer broke a box and we have a few scratches on a couple pieces, but overall, not too bad!

Deuce? He disagrees.

Don't worry, he calmed down later once all the movers left.

 They were actually finished moving all the furniture in 4 hours! We had been moving boxes all week, so they were only left with about 8 boxes and all the furniture. I'm SO glad to be finished! I need to go back tonight and clean. Tomorrow is painting day! Well, I only have one wall to paint, but that's going to be enough of a task as it is.

Before the movers got there, I was able to take a quick video of the house with just the boxes in. You can see how much work we have yet to do...

Coming soon: The couch saga continues...

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