Saturday, March 10, 2012


In a couple of weeks, my husband and I will begin renting out my in-laws house. We currently live in a 1,000 sq ft apartment. Now, this apartment isn't what you'd Or safe, really. But, it's been alright for a year and a half. This leaves a bit lot to be desired. Most of the house, save the guest bathroom hasn't been updated since the 80s. Think awesome wood paneling in the living room, peeling linolium in the kitchen, teal crown moulding in the formal living room (and pink drapes). The dining room. Oh man. Fabric wallpaper and an entire wall mirror. ::shudder::. Since we're just renting for a couple years, we're not going to sink a whole lot of money into it. But, we want to make it comfortable to live in and have it be a place where we're not ashamed to have our friends to come over.

I have been recently inspired by Kit at The DIY Diva and Ana White. Since this house is quite a bit bigger than what we currently live in, we have no where near enough furniture. That's where this blog comes in. I plan (hope) to be able to build a few pieces of furniture. Also, I plan on going thrifting to find some great pieces to refinish. My style is very dichotomous. I'm really inspired by everything Vintage.

I love the feminine, slightly fussy look about it. But, I choose to marry a manly man and this just wouldn't go over for the whole house. 

Luckily, I also really enjoy modern inspirations. 
All of the above images come from the lovely Veronika's Blushing. I'm so inspired by everything she posts. Especially that hutch, I die.

I can't wait to see where this journey takes me (and our 'new' house)!

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